16 Bewertungen

12'6 MENO Touring Aufblasbares Stand Up Paddle Board

Produktabzeichen: Schneller kostenloser Versand, 2 Jahre Garantie, 60 Tage Garantie, Kaufen Sie 2 Sups und sparen Sie 80 $

Sie haben nach einem Touring SUP mit allen einzigartigen Eigenschaften der Meno-Serie gefragt. Mit einer Länge von 12'6 und einer Breite von 31" werden Sie kein schnelleres oder stabileres Touren-iSUP auf dem Markt finden.

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Neu für 2022:

  • Diamond Rear Traction Pad : Wir haben ein Diamond Rear Tail Pad hinzugefügt, um etwas mehr Traktion am Heck des Meno SUP hinzuzufügen
  • Stabil und schnell: Mit seiner spitzen Nase und seiner schmalen Form schneidet dieses Touren-SUP durch das Wasser und bleibt dennoch eines der stabilsten Renn-/Touren-iSUPs auf dem Markt.
  • Kohlefaserschiene für verbesserte Steifigkeit : Unsere Kohlefaserschiene verbessert die Steifigkeit und Steifigkeit und macht Ihre Paddelschläge einfacher und effizienter.
  • Unsere bisher beste iSUP-Tasche: mit vielen Taschen, bequemen Tragegurten und mehr Platz! Wir haben auch unsere einzigartige Flossentasche hinzugefügt - vergiss nie wieder deine Flosse! Schonen Sie Ihren Rücken – die Taschen der Meno-Serie sind mit Rollen ausgestattet.

Mit 12'6 Länge und 31" Breite ist es das schnelle Touren-iSUP auf dem Markt, ohne an Stabilität zu verlieren. Für fortgeschrittene Paddler.

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2 YearsWarranty

2 Years

2 Years Warranty

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60 Days
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60 Days Money Back

60 Days Money Back

Buy 2 Sups
Save $80

Buy 2 Sups Save $80



Sie haben nach einem Touring SUP mit allen einzigartigen Eigenschaften der Meno-Serie gefragt. Mit einer Länge von 12'6 und einer Breite von 31" werden Sie kein schnelleres oder stabileres Touren-iSUP auf dem Markt finden.

Das 12'6 Meno ist ein längeres, schmaleres SUP, das für Leistung, Touren und Distanzpaddeln entwickelt wurde.

Fortgeschrittene bis fortgeschrittene Fahrer, die lange Strecken effizient paddeln möchten, werden dieses Board bei moderaten bis ruhigen Wasserbedingungen lieben. Dein Gleichgewicht ist gut, du warst schon mehrere Male auf einem SUP und du weißt, dass dir Geschwindigkeit wichtiger ist als Stabilität.

Auf der Suche nach einem Training oder dem ultimativen aufblasbaren Langstrecken-SUP? Das 12'6 Meno wird Sie begeistern.

Ein Teil Ihres SUP-Kaufs wird an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen gespendet, die dabei helfen, unsere Ozeane, Riffe und gefährdeten Meeresbewohner zu retten.

12'6 31" 6" 265 L 24 Pfund 300 Pfund*

* Fortgeschrittene Fahrer können die empfohlene Kapazitätsgrenze überschreiten
**Ausgelegt für 15-18 PSI

Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass Sie unsere Boards lieben werden, deshalb geben wir Ihnen ab dem Kauf volle 60 Tage Zeit, um sie auszuprobieren. Wenn es nicht perfekt zu Ihnen passt, können Sie das Board innerhalb von 60 Tagen gegen eine volle Rückerstattung abzüglich einer Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr von 20 % zurückgeben.


  • Premium-iSUP-Zubehörpaket: Enthält Pumpe, Leine, Rollrucksack, Paddel- und Flossen-Kit
  • 31" Breite für zusätzliche Geschwindigkeit, schneidet mit minimalem Widerstand durch das Wasser
  • Fusion Dual Layer Technology, das stärkste und leichteste iSUP-Material auf dem Markt
  • Action-Kamerahalterung und D-Ring an der Spitze des Boards
  • Pumpen Sie Ihr Board mit der 3-Stufen-Zweikammerpumpe doppelt so schnell auf
  • Das Finnen-Kit enthält eine 9-Zoll-Race-Finne, eine 4,5-Zoll-Speed-Finne und eine 3-Zoll-River-Finne
  • Extra großes Traktionspad aus gebürstetem EVA
  • 2 Jahre Garantie

Featuring 4 action mounts for 2021! Mount fishing rods, cup holders, action cameras on the front or rear of the our 12'6 Meno!


We've added removable front and rear bungee side handles for an extra place to hang on to - and kids love 'em!


For this year we've added a grooved traction pad & a rear diamond pattern on the rear for enhanced grip and foot support


All Meno boards now feature our integrated paddle holder. Great for transporting your board or while chilling on the water!


Easily adjustable to your height, our Carbon Fiber Paddle breaks down into 3 pieces for quick storage. Available with a nylon or carbon blade, this paddle is durable, light, and efficient.


All Meno Series SUPs feature our CarbonTech Rails for extra rigidity and less flex - making the Menos the most rigid and stable SUPs on the market.

  • Merkmale

    • Premium-iSUP-Zubehörpaket: Enthält Pumpe, Leine, Rollrucksack, Paddel- und Flossen-Kit
    • 31" Breite für zusätzliche Geschwindigkeit, schneidet mit minimalem Widerstand durch das Wasser
    • Fusion Dual Layer Technology, das stärkste und leichteste iSUP-Material auf dem Markt
    • Action-Kamerahalterung und D-Ring an der Spitze des Boards
    • Pumpen Sie Ihr Board mit der 3-Stufen-Zweikammerpumpe doppelt so schnell auf
    • Das Finnen-Kit enthält eine 9-Zoll-Race-Finne, eine 4,5-Zoll-Speed-Finne und eine 3-Zoll-River-Finne
    • Extra großes Traktionspad aus gebürstetem EVA
    • 2 Jahre Garantie

    Featuring 4 action mounts for 2021! Mount fishing rods, cup holders, action cameras on the front or rear of the our 12'6 Meno!


    We've added removable front and rear bungee side handles for an extra place to hang on to - and kids love 'em!


    For this year we've added a grooved traction pad & a rear diamond pattern on the rear for enhanced grip and foot support


    All Meno boards now feature our integrated paddle holder. Great for transporting your board or while chilling on the water!


    Easily adjustable to your height, our Carbon Fiber Paddle breaks down into 3 pieces for quick storage. Available with a nylon or carbon blade, this paddle is durable, light, and efficient.


    All Meno Series SUPs feature our CarbonTech Rails for extra rigidity and less flex - making the Menos the most rigid and stable SUPs on the market.

  • GILI 10'6 / 11'6 Aufblasbares Paddelbrett

    GILI Rollender aufblasbarer SUP-Rucksack

    GILI 3-Stufen High Flow Zweikammer-Handpumpe

    Verstellbares Reisepaddel aus Kohlefaser-Hybrid

    Meno 9" Distance/Race Fin

    Meno 4,5" Speed ​​Mittelflosse

    Meno 3" Flache Mittelflosse

    4 "Snap-In-Seitenflossen

    GILI 8 'Paddle Board Coiled Ankle Leash


    GILI Meno iSUP Handbuch

  • Wie lange dauert es, das Paddle Board aufzublasen?
    Die meisten Leute brauchen weniger als 7-8 Minuten, um unsere Boards vollständig aufzublasen. Wenn Sie in Form sind, können Sie es in weniger als 5 Minuten schaffen. Vergessen Sie nicht, die schwarze Kappe Ihrer Pumpe nach etwa 9-11 PSI zu entfernen, um die letzten 4-5 PSI etwas einfacher zu machen!

    Wie montiert man die Flosse?
    Schieben und drücken Sie die Finne in die Nut und verriegeln Sie die Finne mit der hinteren Verriegelung. Lesen Sie unbedingt die Anweisungen, die Ihrem Paddelbrett beiliegen.

    Wie lange dauert das Aufblasen und Entleeren?
    Das Aufblasen dauert bei den meisten Menschen 5 bis 10 Minuten. Die Entleerung dauert nur 2-3 Minuten.

    Kann dieses Board im Ozean verwendet werden?
    Unbedingt! Unsere Boards sind für jedes Gewässer gedacht. Wenn Sie neu im Paddeln sind, empfehlen wir Ihnen, das Board auf einem ruhigen Gewässer auszuprobieren, bevor Sie sich in die Wellen wagen.

    Darf man mit Hund reiten?
    Viele Leute fahren mit ihren Hunden auf unseren Brettern. Seien Sie vorsichtig und achten Sie auf Ihr Gleichgewicht!.

    Wird das Board mit einer Leash geliefert?
    Ja, das Board wird mit einer Leash geliefert. Alles, was Sie auf den Fotos sehen, ist enthalten!.

    Ist dieses Board aus Dropstitch-Material?
    Ja! Alle unsere Boards sind aus Dropstitch-Material gefertigt: Dropstitching verleiht dem Board seine Form und Steifigkeit.

    Schwimmt das Paddel?
    Ja! Keine Sorge – das mitgelieferte Paddel schwimmt, wenn Sie es ins Wasser fallen lassen.

  • Wir sind zuversichtlich, dass Sie unsere Boards lieben werden, deshalb geben wir Ihnen ab dem Kauf volle 60 Tage Zeit, um sie auszuprobieren. Wenn es nicht perfekt zu Ihnen passt, können Sie das Board innerhalb von 60 Tagen gegen eine volle Rückerstattung abzüglich einer Wiedereinlagerungsgebühr von 20 % zurückgeben.

  • Dies ist eine Beispielüberschrift

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    Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Etiam sollicitudin, ipsum eu pulvinar rutrum, tellus ipsum laoreet sapien, quis venenatis ante odio sit amet eros. Etiam Imperdiet Imperdiet Orci.






Board Weight

  • Air
    View Now

    10'6 / 11'6

    31" / 32"

    up to 300 lbs

    10'6 x 31" x 6"
    11'6 x 32" x 6"


    19 / 21 lbs

  • Mako
    View Now



    up to 260 lbs

    10' x 32" x 6"


    20 lbs

  • Adventure
    View Now

    11' / 12'


    up to 330 lbs

    11' x 32" x 6"
    12" x 32" x 6"


    22 /23 lbs

  • Komodo
    View Now



    up to 340 lbs

    10'6 x 33" x 6"


    21 lbs

  • Meno
    View Now

    10'6 / 11'6


    up to 485 lbs

    10'6 x 35" x 6"
    11'6 x 35" x 6"


    23/ 24 lbs

  • 12'6 Meno Touring
    View Now



    up to 300 lbs

    12'6 x 31" x 6


    24 lbs

  • Manta Ray
    View Now

    12' / 15'

    45" / 56"

    up to 1150 lbs

    12' x 45" x 8"
    15' x 56" x 8"


    35 / 52 lbs

    Customer Reviews
    4.9 Based on 16 Reviews
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    1 ★
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      United States

      Meno Touring -- Top quality

      I've been paddling for nearly 10 years. This is my 2nd inflatable, but I have tried roughly 8 others over the years that belong to friends and family members. I can say for certain the quality of this GILI is top-notch. I previously had a board that was nearly double the price and it recently imploded during inflation at merely 8 PSI. I paddle 5+ miles every time I go out which is at least 2 times per week during the season. As you can imagine, my expectations were high when I set out to replace my prior beloved board. So far GILI has met every one of those expectations. This board is firm, quite stable, yet lean enough to offer good speed and great tracking and enable me to do long distances in an efficient manner. Anesthetically it looks great as well. Customer service is fantastic too. All in all, I'm quite pleased with my experience so far and look forward to using the board regularly once the weather warms up. Well done, GILI team!

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Natalie K.
      United States

      Quality iSUP / Speedy & Good tracking

      I was concerned when I unpacked this iSUP and saw it only had one fin (I thought it had 2 side fins also) and also that this more narrow board would be difficult to balance on, but I was pleasantly surprised. My first ride I went out in choppy water and balanced well and didn’t fall off. Plus, this board is much faster than my previous iSUP and tracks really well, which is exactly what I was looking for. I guess the side fins arent needed! Can’t wait to take it out with the kayak seat! Great iSUP. Recommend for those looking for speed, going long distances, and perhaps even participating in some paddle board races!

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      United States

      Great size

      Great looking board and lots of features. Can tell that there is a lot of attention to detail. Very sturdy and super light. Got it with the carbon fiber paddle. Paddle is really light and is well made. Love our “Air 10.6”! But this is a whole step up. Was really impressed with the stability and quality of the “Air” and the “Meno” is even more impressive. Was intimidated on buying 12’ 6” board, but it is the perfect size for speed and agility. Great company with a great cause. Customer support is top notch!

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Dain O.
      United States

      High Quality Board!

      Love the size and the quality of this board and all components. Carbon fiber paddle is really nice. Took it out in relatively windy / choppy conditions and it did really well. Thankfully the tag on the pump forewarns you that the pressure does not register until 7psi. Being my first iSUP, it took a lot more air than I was expecting. However, it was easy to pump and didn't take long. Deflating was easy and it was easy to put board back in the nice high quality bag. Only downside is that the color is actually much more lighter blue then what the pictures online suggest (more turquoise / teal). HOWEVER, once you take it outside it's not nearly as bad and looks much better, as you can see in my picture.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Joel P.
      United States

      Great Board!

      I finally got this board out on the water after a miserable November here in Seattle. What an awesome experience. I went from a 11' L x 34" W beginner board to the 12'6" Meno. It was such a pleasure to have the increase in speed and efficiency without losing much, if any, stability. The electric pump will spoil me as it is much easier than using the hand pump. Overall quality of the board and components is great. I went with the carbon paddle with nylon blade and it is stiff and light. I am really looking forward to getting this board out more this winter.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      United States

      Blown away by its stability

      Well ... I am little sore today because I spent a lot of time playing on the Meno in windy and choppy conditions yesterday, more than I planned because I had so much fun. My wife just laughed ..... because I've always preferred kayaks and did not like SUPs, and now I don't want to stop playing. But a board like Meno, with speed, stability, and the kayak conversion, is awesome. I feel more connected to the water and the environment around me than in a cockpit of a kayak. Meno 12'6 is a great board and its stability blew me away. Blew me away. Wind, chop from boats and ... I did not fall in! This is only my second board so I have a lot to learn, appreciate Gili's educational resources, care for the planet, so I look forward to many new adventures with my Meno. I also appreciate Gili's customer service.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Heather K.
      United States

      Love the Meno series

      Got the original Meno last year, then saw the new Meno touring this year and once it went on sale for Labor Day it was time I just got it. Very similar features to the original, I love the addition of the paddle holder straps. The speed and glide is amazing on the touring. The only con is that the deck pad has recessed lines in the black and should have left a 1/16” to 1/8” channel where stripes meet logo to allow water to drain. Overall I love both my Menos for different places and uses.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Heather K.
      United States

      I love the Meno series

      Got the original Meno last year, then saw the new Meno touring this year and once it went on sale for Labor Day it was time I just got it. Very similar features to the original, I love the addition of the paddle holder straps. The speed and glide is amazing on the touring. The only con is that the deck pad has recessed lines in the black and should have left a 1/16” to 1/8” channel where stripes meet logo to allow water to drain. Overall I love both my Menos for different places and uses.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      United States

      Meno 12.6

      High quality good looking board loaded with features. Surprisingly very stable for the width (31in.) This board glides through rough water with zero lag. Extremely versatile for all riders and preferences. The four action mounts are a plus. They allow for the use of a variety of accessories at the same time. Total package steal with all the upgrades that come with the Meno. This is my third GILI board and I am extremely satisfied with the quality of all the boards. Highly recommended.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      B J.
      United States

      Meno 12'6" review from first time paddle boarder

      This is the first paddle board I have ever used. Therefore, I can’t compare it to other brands on the market. I have used it about a dozen times now and I’m very happy with the board. I thought it would be a little harder to adjust to, but I haven’t fallen off it yet. The first time out I was less balanced, but I managed just fine. I have mostly used it as a tool for exercising my core. Between balancing yourself while standing and aggressive paddling, it provides an excellent workout. I’ve also brought it out on a 4 mile paddle down SIlver Springs and it performed excellent. I used the cooler bag that was included in the package I bought and it kept ice for hours. I used the manual pump once. Regardless of who you buy a board from, if you buy an inflatable, I highly recommend buying a good quality electric pump. I wonder if having a triple fin configuration would help with tracking when using the board in windy conditions. Once again, I don’t have any experience with other boards, so this is speculation. I'm 9' 5" and 150 lbs. Pro’s: Shipping and delivery was as expected. The board appears to be well made. Fit and finish is excellent. The surface is comfortable to stand on and grip is good The length allows for easy storage of gear and it’s easy to lay down fully during lazy sessions. Easy to paddle and more stable than I expected. Tracks well and reasonably easy to turn (as long as it’s not windy). Came with multiple fins to match your paddling conditions The board is very light for its size. The paddle straps along the edge are convenient. The included carbon fiber paddle is light and it appears to be of good quality. It’s nice to have options for fin depth. As compared to my former sit-inside kayak, a paddle board provides flexibility to change body positions (standing, on your knees, sitting and even lying down). Con’s: The 9” fin did not fit into the fin seat. It fits into the slot, but I was unable to push down the locking tab. I reached out to Gili and they sent me the dolphin fin as a replacement, but it didn’t fit as well. I ultimately set one of the smaller fins next to the larger fin(s) and used it as a template. I used a small file to take off enough material to match the dimensions of the smaller fin's rear notch. It took around 15 -20 minutes to get them where I could properly seat the locking tab. This is a relatively minor issue, but one that needs addressed. Overall I'm very much satisfied with my purchase. The Father's Day package I purchased also included an anchor, fishing rod holder and kayak seat. I have not used those items yet.

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Colleen K.
      United States

      12'6 is BOSS!

      I cant wait to glide up and down So Flo! The carbon sides and light weight are perfect for me, a 100 pound petite lady!

      GILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package ReviewGILI Sports 12'6 MENO Touring Inflatable Stand Up Paddle Board Package Review
      Dain O.
      United States

      High quality board!!

      Love the size and the quality of this board and all components. Carbon fiber paddle is really nice. Took it out in relatively windy / choppy conditions and it did really well. Thankfully the tag on the pump forewarns you that the pressure does not register until 7psi. Being my first iSUP, it took a lot more air than I was expecting. However, it was easy to pump and didn't take long. Deflating was easy and it was easy to put board back in the nice high quality bag. Only downside is that the color is actually much more lighter blue then what the pictures online suggest (more turquoise / teal). HOWEVER, once you take it outside it's not nearly as bad and looks much better, as you can see in my picture.

      Chris B.
      United States

      First an last

      Perfect, came in a timely fashion, everything is perfect...can't wait to hit the water...love the board, luv the cause....ty

      Iko S.

      Most Versatile SUP

      I bought this for my Florida vacation. The rolling backpack is very good for air travels. I love mounts on this board. I can carry many things with it. My old board had only one bungee at front section. This one is way better. I also like MENO Turning has only single fin. I don't like 2nd & 3rd fin. They are unnecessary for me. This board has good balance. As stable as shorter ones and faster than them. 31 width is good compromise to be versatile. You can race with this for inflatable divisions. Overall, the designers and engineers of GILI made good decisions for this model. It has many features that paddlers want. I had spend many hours comparing boards of other brands and decided to buy this. I made a right choice. I love this board and will be paddling on this for many years to come.

      United States

      First time ever paddle boarding, woohoo!!

      My girflriend and I had our first experience ever paddle boarding on the Gili Meno. Rather impressed with this board. It has the feel of a solid board and it super light weight. We had a great time and are looking forward to learning how to NOT fall off while standing :-D